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Self Study


Professional Development


3 (17 Rating)

Course Requirements


Course Description

The WBL  knowledge base is a self-serve library, free to use for all our subscribers. It contains micro training modules on management tools, white papers, free training sessions, important webinars etc., by industry leaders, academicians and subject matter experts. 

We strongly  encourage all our subscribers to avail this free facility and add to their employability and their professional knowledge. 

Course Outcomes

World Views on employment

Industry 4.0 for the tech and non tech

Employability Skilling and reports

Course Curriculum

1 What can WhiteBoard Labs do for you>
Preview 11 Min

1 Why internships are important

Ms Caitlin Budge talks about the importance of internships

1 Industry 4.0 for Dummies (webinar)

A talk on Industry 4.0 and how it effects you, by Dr. Rohit Shipstone and Dr. Sam.

1 Leading without Authority
5 Min

A Short talk with Dr. Luz Longsworth, VC, University of West Indies

1 Compete with yourself

A short talk by Dr. Rohit Shipstone, Founder and CMO

1 The Premium Human
16 Min

What will it take for us to get employed in Industry 4.0? A discussion with Dr. Safeeya and Dr. Rohit Shipstone

1 The Way to the New World

A discussion with Dr. Safeeya Mohammad (Caribbean), Mr. Magon, Founder, Ms Akshita Shukla, L'Oreal and Jamie Rocke, University of West Indies

1 Dare to Dream

A short talk by Mr. Ashish Kumar, Vice President

1 Leadership in Society - with Ms. Prerna Wadiker, SAID Business School

A talk with Ms. Prerna Wadiker, Said Business School

1 Introduction to Industry 4.0

2 Unboxing Industry 4.0

1 Unboxing Artificial Intelligence

1 International Women's Day 22

1 Data & Decision Making

1 Success in Failure
5 Min

Is failure the end of the road? Ms. Akshita Shukla from L'Oreal thinks every failure has success built in. A short talk.

1 Women in the workplace

1 Heal the world

Leveraging Industry 4.0 for post Covid. With Mr. Viraj Evans, Data Scientist at KPMG and Dr. Rohit Shipstone

1 Women in Leadership: The Glass Ceiling
50 Min

1 Customer Relation in Industry 4.0

1 Leadership in Industry 4.0

1 How & What to Learn

1 Workforce of the future

1 WEF Future of Jobs Report 2023

1 Practical steps for a customer-centric approach to data privacy

1 Preparing tomorrow’s workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

1 Emotional Intelligence

1 Communications


Self Study

3 Rating
17 Reviews
8518 Students
73 Courses

Self-studying is a useful tool to enhance any learning experience, and when mastered, students young and old reap the benefits. Whether applied to studying for an AP exam or exploring new material independently due to sheer curiosity, self-studying can lead to new opportunities academically and professionally. Remember to utilize the world around you! Technology has put knowledge at your fingertips, so take advantage of all the easily accessible and low-cost tools at your disposal.

Self-study, when done correctly, is a very effective learning tool, so it can be helpful when used to prepare for a test or learn an entirely new subject matter on your own. Here are some tips for practicing successful self-studying:

  • Set realistic goals. Setting work goals for yourself, ones that realistically fit in with your life and other commitments, is important when creating self-study habits. You can set yourself up for success by assigning only a certain number of chapters to read each night, adjusting your workload according to how hectic your schedule is in any given week, and giving yourself a mental break each week to let your mind rest.
  • Find what works for you. There are many different ways to learn, and it is important to adjust studying techniques to find what works for your brain. Some students find reading aloud helpful, others like taking handwritten notes rather than typing. Discover whatever works best for you, and stick with it.
  • Review material the same day you learn it. After taking notes in an online course, or reading the next chapter in your textbook, make sure you review all the new material, by typing up your notes, practicing your new skill, or reading over a chapter again, to help it resonate. While this may seem tedious, it only takes a short amount of time. Reviewing can help with long-term absorption of material, so it decreases the need of cramming in the future.
  • Study in short, frequent sessions. Instead of treating your study session like a marathon, break up your material by topic into a series of short sessions, separated by short breaks. That way, you won’t be staring at your books or computer for too long while wearing on your focus, and your brain can absorb the material more easily. While cramming may seem like a great way to cover a lot of material in a condensed amount of time, studying in short, frequent sessions is a more effective way to learn subject matter and self-study.
  • Prepare and maintain your study environment. When learning remotely it is important to create a study space for yourself. By setting aside a desk or table that is a designated environment for self-studying or completing an online course, you will know to be mentally prepared to learn when you enter that space

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