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Employability Audit 1

  • Questions :52 Question.
  • Duration : 52 Min
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Employability Audit 1

Course Description

The Employability Audit Tool is a simple online form that provides students with an employability dashboard based on key recruitment criteria. Drawing on graduate recruitment and development specialist experience at companies and industry partners, the Employability Audit provides institutions and their students feedback based on what graduate employers are demanding today.

The Audit Tests are in 2 parts and both need to be completed. All questions need to be answered with the best answer you may think fit. Failure to answer all the questions will invalidate the test and no report will be generated. 

Once you have finished the quiz, you will get an Employability Report within 7-10 days which will cover - 

* A Psychometric Analysis report from a professional psychologist (registered) 

* A detailed report on your professional strengths and weaknesses 

* Recommended courses for you 

* Overall Employability rating.  

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Employability Audit


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